"Beverly Kills 50187" was a transitional album for the ICP. Coming two years after they first hit the scene as the Inner City Posse, one year after they rebra... Read More...
It has taken me five years to come to terms with the death of Sean Price. It was and to some degree still inconceivable that a rap star only a couple of years ... Read More...
As funky as Brand Nubian's "In God We Trust" and its lead single "Punks Jump Up to Get Beat Down" were, there was a huge coincidence that hardcore hip-hop head... Read More...
"Just think of what the future holds for Kitty Pryde (now just Kitty), Iggy Azalea, and whoever comes along next." Adam Bernard wrote about meme rappers in 201... Read More...
"I slam the mic when I'm done, and kick a hole in the speakerwhen Rakim told Big Daddy Kane 'Follow the Leader'When Slick and Doug and them said 'La Di Da Di'W... Read More...
"I'm an O.G. fool, the O stands for Oaktown"
When Stanley Kirk Burrell made this statement in 1994 he was not taken seriou... Read More...