From the years of 1982-1986 I was pretty much obsessed with Knight Rider. It was a show that had it all for a kid who loved both science fiction and cars, than... Read More...
This has been a pretty horrible weekend in rap music any way you slice it. On Saturday, December 18, 2021 at the "Once Upon a Time in L.A." event at Exposition... Read More...
Let's run it back this week for a fun compilation of absolute STINKERS for Sega Genesis. This is "The Worst of 2021" for Genesis Does, and with a full calendar... Read More...
For the centennial episode of The PC Engine Files I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone with (gasp) a SPORTS GAME. That's right -- this week I'm look... Read More...
I waited and waited until the price dropped on a loose copy of Rockman (Mega Man 1) to a point I thought I was worth it, and when I pulled the trigger I bought... Read More...