Having previously written about the "I'm here to see MF DOOM" phenomenon a few weeks ago, I decided to try my hand at editing together a "best of" compilation ... Read More...
Does this feel familiar? It should -- we talked about Columns on Genesis Does a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately for that series Columns never wound up on Supe... Read More...
The announcement from Terraonion of a new firmware for Super SD System 3 today (December 14, 2020) hit me like a bolt of lightning. I had so long taken for gra... Read More...
I recently discovered that there was a Sega Master System emulator for GBA that you could load onto an EverDrive GBA X5 and play SMS games with, so I had to gi... Read More...
How many times does he have to lose the 2020 Presidential election before it dawns in that thick fat head of his that he is a loser? He lost at the polls, he l... Read More...
Lest we ever forget I want these people to have their names put on the record for now and in perpetuity. From here on I'll simply refer to them as "The 126" an... Read More...