This week on The PC Engine Files, no explanation is necessary. Actually that's only half true -- my voice is shot this week so I didn't provide any narration -... Read More...
I blame JonTron for this one. Ever since he did a video on DinoCity years ago, I've wanted to have a physical copy of the game, and a month or two ago I found ... Read More...
One of the goals I set for passing 1,000 subscribers was I would eat the most notorious ramen packet on the market - the 2X spicy, double hot, FIRE BREATHING C... Read More...
If you're a TurboGrafx-16 fan you may already know Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman without even realizing it! This is the first game in the series, but the sequel w... Read More...
There's absolutely nothing wrong with NFL '95. No, seriously. It has all of the features a 1990's sports video game fan would want -- real teams with the real ... Read More...
Interior, crocodile alligator. I'm Mistah MegaManFan and I'm an Iron Helix hater. You already know what it is, Genesis Does, and by special request this week w... Read More...