Originally named Sol-Feace in Japan, Sol-Deace is a Sega Genesis (and Mega Drive) game which never came out on Super Nintendo nor so far as I know on Wii Virtu... Read More...
Once again the weather has made it impossible (and impassable) to go out retro hunting, but the postal system has provided treats from Japan courtesy of both P... Read More...
I freely admit to being one of those fence sitters when Yooka-Laylee was being sold for "Triple A Game" prices, but now that I can pick up a used copy for unde... Read More...
What to do in mid-to-late December when the weather is dreadful and you can't go outside to go to pawns, thrifts, and retro game stores? Why you order in! It's... Read More...
Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers should have been an easy premise to translate to a powerful 16 bit console like Sega Genesis. After all what's more fun th... Read More...
I did not expect to be standing outside in the freezing cold and snow at 10 AM local time waiting for GameStop to open so I could pick up my pre-order, but tha... Read More...