"Pa! Come quick! And bring yer rifle! Them uppity blacks are talkin' pa-la-tics! You gotta do somethin' about this pa. NOW!"
I wonder if Laura Ingraham realize...
"He's gonna take you back to the past
To play the s---ty games that suck ass
te'd rather have, a buffalo
Take a diarrhea dump in his ear
He'd rather eat the rot...
"Cheese-flavored, puffed corn meal." That describes both the food pictured to the right that leaves orange powder all over your fingers and the current blowhard... Read More...
I'm once again indulging my enthusiasm for video games to tell you a little story about Todd Rogers. Back when I was a kid Rogers was known "Mr. Activision," a ... Read More...
I'm so mad at the government shutdown right now that I needed to turn to somebody even ANGRIER for a cathartic release. Who else would I turn to but James Rolfe... Read More...
I know to most observers it may seem like POTUS 45 is my whipping boy, and frankly the sheer vulgarity of the man seems to warrant it, but this time with the go... Read More...