I'm a life long gamer. It's as inseparable from my personality and identity as hip-hop and professional wrestling. I've hinted at this a few times in other arti... Read More...
To date I have personally backed eight Kickstarter campaigns - six of which were successfully funded and two that didn't meet their goal. The only two I've actu... Read More...
The continued controversy about the "Confederate Flag" flying over historical landmarks in the South, such as the South Carolina State House building in Columbi... Read More...
Rachel Dolezal is all the rage in the news these days. In fact by the time you visit this site next week, we'll probably have an editorial from a regularly feat... Read More...
What does one even say after being married more than a decade? You can't sum up a third of your life that easily, any more than you can sum up being devoted to ... Read More...
If this looks familiar to you, then you know why a Bronx-centric crew of emcees and deejays called themselves Diggin' in the Crates. I shopped around at a lot o... Read More...