The issue's validity remains debatable, but in 2K6, hip-hop's supposedly critical condition was like headline news. Every other underground amateur stepped up t... Read More...
A Funky Look Back at the Year that Was(n't): Another year gone, another slew of terrible rap music. But in what was seemingly a disappointing overall year for H... Read More...
10. Cut Chemist: The Audience's Listening
Out of all the record on my list, this is the one you are least likely to have bought, bu... Read More...
When I first set out to write this I was sure it had been such a wack year that there was possibly no way I could find ten albums worth noting. Then I looked th... Read More...
Forget all those people who try to tell you that Hip-Hop is dying, or that there isn't anything good out there to listen to anymore. When going through albums f... Read More...
Sometimes I wonder what kind of recommendation it takes to get the average visitor to pick up an album. Surely there are various factors involved... Read More...