Fans of Los Angeles artist Subtitle will rejoice in the fact that after piles of self-released CD-Rs and tapes, this EP is coming out on an established label, w... Read More...
Already well known in the orbit of their native United Kingdom, The Planets have not yet hit the apex of their fame worldwide. Nomadic Poet and Ayman Raze firs... Read More...
For some, the rap game and what it has to offer, it makes them bitter and cynical. Others don't wait for it to give them something, they go out and take it. Wi... Read More...
You're probably reading this and thinking it's a joke. What kind of rapper would call himself a Pumpkinhead on purpose? That's the kind of thing little kids wou... Read More...
Here's a noble way to promote your CD: 'A portion of the proceeds from this EP will benefit the Arthur Young Fund for Leukemia,' it says on the back of the 2000... Read More...
With only seven new tracks on this EP, this is a suitably short review to match. If you know the name Anti-Pop Consortium then you already know their steez: