If this review feels somewhat familiar then I thank you for being a long time reader of the website. I covered "The Mix-Up" by the Beastie Boys back in 2007, b... Read More...
"The difficult task of enjoying the film knowing it's a sequeland even more difficult task of being kind to rich peopleThe type of man to mourn openly for a de... Read More...
Now that the discourse around Nas picking bad beats has been laid to rest, let’s remind ourselves who constantly picks the best beats. Detroit’s Guilty Simpson... Read More...
"Lucky 7" is truth in advertising from Dimitri Leslie Roger, better known in the rap world as Rich the Kid. The album featured seven songs, and on "Money Machi... Read More...
The lineage of the witty street rapper is rich with cult figures, ranging from the punchline hilarity of a Lord Finesse to the verbal dexterity of a Big L, or ... Read More...
The writers on this website try their best to remain aware of what the kids are listening to these days, but it's harder than ever thanks to the music industry... Read More...