I usually prefer to not discuss unofficial, fan created, homemade albums. "The Madlib Remix Collection" is a worthwhile exception. The shocking news of MF DOOM... Read More...
From its release in 1994 to the present day, "Ill Communication" remains one of my favorite Beastie Boys albums (R.I.P. MCA). I'm sure it doesn't hurt that I w... Read More...
I wish "This Thing of Ours 2" was 20-30 minutes longer. Even if you combine the songs (not the instrumentals) from "Ours 1" with the songs from this album, you... Read More...
After a quarter century of rap music, Planet Asia is a legend to me, even if he's not the household name he hoped to be. As he says on "Chuuuch" from "Cashmere... Read More...
If you like the Beastie Boys, don't listen to this album.
That could be the whole review, honestly, but I think it deserve... Read More...
I've always been a little bit indifferent toward Yelawolf. I don't hate him, I don't love him, he's just THERE. Initially I didn't even take him that seriously... Read More...