Future wasted no time following up on "The Wizrd" with "Save Me". I can't blame him for that. Nothing succeeds like excess in the music business -- until it do... Read More...
Lacking any easily identifiable bio on a major artist hub such as (for better or worse) Wikipedia would normally be an impediment to a review of an unknown art... Read More...
Social media is a powerful tool, particularly when the user is a naturally likable individual. One of the best examples is Dwayne Johnson, a huge star in Holly... Read More...
The hip-hop tandem Blu & Exile has long been spoken of in reverent tones amongst the crowds packed tightly into small nightclubs on the night "Cult Favorit... Read More...
The Butcher's not back, because he never left. Last year's "Tana Talk 3" was one of 2018's best if you wanted something grimy but this EP is the perfect introd... Read More...
In the interest of full disclosure, every PremRock review dating back to 2011 on RR has been mine. That alone might not be a reason for bias, but the fact that... Read More...