Denver rapper Supreme Ace's new EP, "Timeless," is musically pleasing and lyrically charming - at the times that he actually raps. With diverse production by C... Read More...
Purists may scoff at Flo Rida's music, but there's no denying that the dude can rap. There aren't many tracks of his with verses that pop fans can recite willy... Read More...
In my last review, I criticized how any album these days that's less than ten minutes long and comprised of a maximum of five tracks somehow constitutes an EP.... Read More...
"Identified Time" by Souleye was... difficult. Reviewing a three-track EP wasn't easy. But that's largely, obviously and ironically because the very length of ... Read More...
EPs appear to have overtaken mixtapes in terms of relevance in recent years, with countless artists choosing to move away from the often free mixtape scene, an... Read More...
Proliferation: Pronounced proálifáeráaátion n/ noun. 1.) A rapid increase in numbers. 2.) A rapid reproduction of a cell, part or organism. 3.) A large num... Read More...