Nems will be the first to admit he's not the easiest rapper to love. In fact Nems revels in flipping people off, and not just on the cover of his latest album "... Read More...
"Can't leave rap alone the game needs me" –"Izzo" by Jay-Z
Music lovers all over the world could argue indefinitely over whether the rap game needs Jay-Z... Read More...
It would be fair to say Rich Quick's name is chosen with a wry sense of humor - he's likely to get anything but. That's not for lack of talent - in fact he's a... Read More...
Every week I get at least three emails from artists who want me to review their self-released albums on Bandcamp. The majority of these artists do nothing for ... Read More...
"Game Over" concludes Blanco and The Jacka's three-piece that visually pays homage to a trio of (unrelated) street artists - Shepard Fairey, Banksy and Invader... Read More...
A couple of months ago RR tackled the Gene the Southern Child & Parallel Thought debut album. Coincidentally that album "Artillery Splurgin'" comes out tod... Read More...