Geaaaaah. It's almost impossible to write this review without at least once slipping in the colloquial word that has become a part of hip-hop vernacular and al... Read More...
I'm torn. Every year around this time I reminisce over Dilla, given his life was snuffed too early in February of 2006. His ghost still manages to haunt hip-hop... Read More...
Hailing from the Pacific Northwest, the Maritimes, Emerald City or whatever descriptive you like is the tag team of Def Dee & Zar. Dee's the producer, Zar ... Read More...
Toby describes himself in the following contradictions: "Common andOutKast, and the acting career would soon take a backseat to his passion for rap. 2012 was T... Read More...
Having a talent for rap music doesn't necessarily mean spitting the sickest shit since swine flu. As a rapper, Berkeley's Blanco wouldn't make my top 10'000, b... Read More...
Three months ago in a review of their EP "Third Eye Cyclops" I wrote, "It'll be interesting to see what Hidden Fortress pulls on their next full-length." I did... Read More...