Black Jewish rapper Y-Love returns this month with a new EP "See Me," a six-track listen produced by Diwon. Taking an expansive global music approach, Y-Love ... Read More...
The Aztext titled their series of EPs "Who Cares If We're Dope" as a statement about their attitude towards making music. Whatever the Aztext are doing, they a... Read More...
Teekay is the rap force behind Calgary, Alberta, CA's seminal rap groupDragon Fli Empire. If you're not familiar with DFE I recommend checking out either ofthe... Read More...
The name Ritchie Valens still carries weight in 2011, despite the fact he only had an eight month long recording career, and died in a plane crash back in 1959... Read More...
Seizing the moment is one of the trickiest tasks the people responsible for a rap act's career (label staff, managers, publicists and last but not least the ar... Read More...
State of the Artist is a Seattle trio eager to join the relatively few rap acts from their hometown to make national waves, but I'm willing to forecast that th... Read More...