At times like these I honestly don't know WTF to make of some of the music I'm sent. I'm an open minded guy, but it didn't even occur to me I was going to need... Read More...
One of the most important platitudes you will ever hear is something along the lines of a journey lasting a thousand miles really only actually starting with a ... Read More...
In the interest of full disclosure, you deserve to know that I'm friends with K-Murdock, Panacea's producer du jour. He's been on several editions of my weekly... Read More...
Tyler Steven is a nice guy. He really is, or at least that's what I read on his Twitter page. The EP didn't come with a press release, so I had to go above and... Read More...
In 2000, John Forte had a promising career ahead of him. He had co-written some songs on the Fugee's blockbuster "The Score." He had released a solo album and... Read More...
In 2000, John Forté had a promising career ahead of him. He had co-written some songs on the Fugee's blockbuster "The Score." He had released a solo album and ... Read More...