At first glance, hip hop and yoga don't make the friendliest of pairs. What could hip hop possibly have in common with this originally spiritual and intimate p... Read More...
Florida isn't a state known for organic, soulful hip-hop. That is not to say the state hasn't produced its fair share of quality rap albums. Even though groups... Read More...
Only a couple of months ago, staff member Nervous wrote a review of D-Sisive's full-length, "The Book," giving the release very high praise as a short but swee... Read More...
First, I'ma lead off with an apology to this artist, whose record I've been behind in reviewing for a HOT minute, and who's been hitting up Flash like crazy for... Read More...
Before I get to my review, I want to remind all of the RapReviews readers who are U.S. citizens over 18 years of age to register to vote, and actually VOTE on ... Read More...
The phrase "NO HOOKS" brings back both good and bad memories - the former being the Shaquille O'Neal song featuring Method Man and RZA, the latter being nearly ... Read More...