Leave it to High Times Records to spawn something as creative as "Human Element." Through 108 Records, they are distributing a beatbox compilation, billed as th... Read More...
Instrumental hip-hop is a low-profile business. Very few have garnered accolades on their own, and only the occasional beatsmith becomes a household name. That ... Read More...
If you know Dilated Peoples, you know Evidence. Even if you don't, you probably know Ev anyway. His distinctively deep and dirty vocal tone and funny punchlines... Read More...
MF Doom - the demented mad scientist of hip-hop music and culture. In truth that might even be an understatement. Although he started out in the early 1990's un... Read More...
After ten years of appreciating the half-speed ska sound of rocksteady reggae, San Francisco resident Romanowski has decided it's time for the world to hear his... Read More...
The growing number of producer albums in hip-hop are a sign of the importance we attest to the sculptors of aural landscapes. The latest producer to embark on ... Read More...