What happens when you take one of Britain's foremost drum and bass producers and get some of the most respected names in United States hip hop rapping over the... Read More...
"Flashback my dossier file before the hospital
Lots'll pay a pile of cheddar to see me rock my style
Got lots of smiles from man woman and child
A Gravedigga he...
I confess; I did it. The RIAA would probably like to slap me silly and Bubba probably wants to kick his country rappin' boots right up my lily-white ass. The t... Read More...
Hip-Hop knows no boundaries. I guess you heard that about 100 times. But I doubt that the average hip-hop head has any idea to what extent this is true. I think... Read More...
The 7L & Esoteric album finally dropped. Heads have been waiting for this piece of work for a good couple of years now. They caught the underground's ear w... Read More...
R-U-L-E. A few years ago when Def Jam released his debut album "Venni Vetti Vecci" a lot of people though of him as little more than a DMX clone. Indeed though... Read More...