"Brrr. Brrrrrr, brrrrrr, brrrrrr."
Rodney Lamont Wright Jr. a/k/a BIG30 is all about his iced out jewelry. His ice is so c... Read More...
It should come as no surprise that Baby Keem's duet with Travis Scott "durag activity" is included on his debut album "The Melodic Blue." This was the song and... Read More...
After doing the deep dive for the Cenobites album by Godfather Don and Kool Keith, I decided to take one step further into the ocean depths for the "Demented T... Read More...
I suspect that The Jet Age of Tomorrow is on an extended hiatus given their last studio album came out four years ago. It's even possible that they permanently... Read More...
In a previous review of "Beverly Kills 50187" I talked about the transition of a seminal Michigan rap group from being the Inner City Posse to the Insane Clown... Read More...
There, I've got it out of the way immediately. No matter what review you read on an AZ record, Nas is mentioned in the first few sentences. If "Illmat... Read More...