Quasimoto is an in-joke that not everybody who listens gets let in on. If you're not familiar with the adventure of Lord Quas, I'll give you a short ... Read More...
Hip-Hop has gradually become more inclusive over the years, not without controversy at times, but the once hallowed halls of b-boys have found room for the gam... Read More...
If being strange is something two artists can have in common, and if that's all you need for an excuse to collaborate, then The Uncluded makes perfect sense an... Read More...
An album title which includes the phrase "Young, Black and Gifted" evokes memories for me of hip hop days gone by, specifically the Afro-centric era of the lat... Read More...
"When you say that I'm the best, remember I said it first!"
The swagger James Todd Smith has on "Authentic" is the same he's had since the 1980's, when neither... Read More...
The RR staff recently created a spreadsheet to keep track of all available and upcoming new hip-hop albums, to make it easier for all of us to keep track of wh... Read More...