Cameron Jibril Thomaz b/k/a Wiz Khalifa has certainly made a big impression in a short amount of time. "O.N.I.F.C." (an acronym for "Only Nigga In First Class")... Read More...
One of the marks of any great producer is that he understands his artists. Rick Rubin understood Run-D.M.C. The Shocklees understood Public Enemy. DJ Premier un... Read More...
At this stage, save for a remarkable turnaround, The Game's five album run in less than eight years on Interscope Records will be both remembered and forgotten... Read More...
Illy's "Long Story Short" was one of my favorite albums of 2009 - not just from the Melbourne scene, not just from Australia, but from anywhere in the world p... Read More...
Rap is an innately collaborative genre - even the most mundane "solo" material necessitates the contributions of countless producers and studio technicians - an... Read More...
"Mingus get your clap on Sunday night, prayer meeting, get your vibe on Sing lullabies and song Bad ones went wrong, possessed through the song I zone out like... Read More...