If I could get away with a two sentence review, this would be the first one. The other one would be "This is a brilliant album - go out and buy it when it drop... Read More...
Today we conclude what started two weeks ago with "Welcome to the Soil 1" and continued last week with "Welcome to the Soil 2." Multi-generational rap star E-40... Read More...
One thing can be said for certain about "Pluto" - it's the most anticipated album coming out on April 17th, 2012. It's conceivable that it's the most anticipat... Read More...
I want to throw out a shout to Mickey Avalon right at the start for doing an interview for RapReviews with Adam B. He could just as easily have told us where to... Read More...
Jamaican dancehall artist Busy Signal (known to his mother as Reanno Gordon) has gone through some stylistic experimentation since coming on the scene in 2003.... Read More...
Picking up where we left off last week on the first chapter of "Block Brochure," we're back one mo' gen to bring you a review of "Welcome to the Soil 2." Coinci... Read More...