Here we are again with Mr. Daniel Swain, a talented recording artist whose travails in the tumultuous music industry we've been chronicling since he dropped "Ch... Read More...
A couple of weeks ago Mike Baber reviewed Small Professor's "Gigantic, Vol. 0" - released as a prelude to his more official commercial debut that drops today -... Read More...
In the wake of Barack Obama's election, Hua Hsu wrote an article that appeared in the Atlantic titled "The End of White America?" He wrote about the changing d... Read More...
DC rapper yU (government name Michael Willingham Jr) first made his mark in 2009 as part of the Diamond District with Oddissee and XO. He released his first so... Read More...
So yeah, I'm a little late on this. But if you had the chance to read my2011 Year In Review, I've been going through some sue me. Maggz is a native ... Read More...
Joining the long list of Australian rap artists looking to make a name for themselves internationally is 24-year old Melbourne native Barbone. He might be new t... Read More...