In one form or another the Sandpeople collective dates back to the mid-2000's. In that time they've changed their line-up several times, and much like the Wu-T... Read More...
Long time listeners to The Adam B Experience will no doubt recognize the name Señor Kaos, who first debuted to listeners back in February of 2009. Kaos calls hi... Read More...
"Sophomore Slump." It's an oft-cited reason for the below-par sequels and 2nd efforts coming from our favorite artists. It's a term that I personally believe i... Read More...
California rapper Sahtyre seems to be affiliated with a lot of different crews, though it's not clear from surfing the cyberspace waves if he's 100% tied to an... Read More...
If you plan on making it in this industry then you need to make the most of any opportunity that happens to come your way and Ces Cru have definitely been doin... Read More...
Twin Perils are a Brooklyn duo made up of rapper Lone Ninja and rapper/producer/Iraq War vet June Marx. "Speak and Destroy" is their third album, following 200... Read More...