This might be the most helpful cover art to come along in a year or more - it instantly identifies who every single member of the Pseudo Intellectuals is witho... Read More...
Actor Donald Glover raps as Childish Gambino, a moniker tellingly spawned through a Wu-Tang name generator. Given his stage name and role on NBC's "Community," ... Read More...
After last week's Hasan Salaam interview by Adam Bernard, I was intrigued enough to delve more deeply into the New Jerseyite's rap career. While "Music Is My W... Read More...
Live hip-hop albums are either hit or miss. While it is impossible to fully replicate the environment of a concert, there are a fair share of live albums that ... Read More...
"Crickets" is the culmination of a cooperation that began in 2008. Canada's Moka Only and Switzerland's Chief have collaborated before, but this is their first... Read More...
I'd be lying if I said Otayo Dubb's brand of hip-hop was in itself original or distinctive. Self-described as "blue collar" music over down tempo beats, on its... Read More...