20 years of left coast lyricism is the legacy Myka 9 already has under his belt, dating back to his days rapping at the Good Life Cafe and being part of semina... Read More...
There's a decade's worth of history for Saul Williams on this website alone dating back to his album "Amethyst Rock Star." His career as a cutting edge poet is... Read More...
There are many theories as to the origin of the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs out here," but only a few are prevalent and given a significant amount of we... Read More...
The term 'sequel' often raises the question "To what?" In this case, there are two options - Three Times Dope's "The Sequel" was meant as a follow-up to either... Read More...
What's the difference between Sparta and Brownsville? Based on the accounts provided by Billy Danze and Fizzy Womack since their 1994 debut "To the Death," one... Read More...
If the phrase "up-and-coming rapper" is an overused cliche, then we're going to have to come up with a brand new one to describe Brooklyn emcee Torae. Judging ... Read More...