Yours truly needs to listen to pop radio a little more often. Working as I do as the webmaster of B.o.B I think I could be given SOME slack on this one. I figu... Read More...
Artistic growth is a double edged sword. We can laud artists for their growth when they step out of their comfort zone or change their topic matter, but we can... Read More...
Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Just about everyone seems to have an account, even RapReviews has one. Aside from talking massive amounts of shit, people ... Read More...
Creativity is what separates the good emcees from the mediocre ones, the great from the good, and the best of all time from the great. Creativity is the abilit... Read More...
Hip-Hop collective Animal Farm come from the somewhat unlikely locale of Portland, Oregon. Portland is more known for Four Barrel Coffee than the four elements... Read More...
"Legend" is such a small word compared to the largess of Keith Thornton. The man is hip-hop's reigning king of dissociative identity disorder. Far from confoun... Read More...