Little Brother is retiring? Say it ain't so Pooh, say it ain't so Tigallo. That's not the news hip-hop needs in 2010 - or for that matter EVER. Little Brother ... Read More...
I'm not sure that a review of "A Sufi and a Killer," singer/MC/Masters-of-the-Universe-crew-member/yoga-instructor Gonjasufi's collaboration with producer Gasl... Read More...
Tacoma, Washington is not known for hip-hop music. While Seattle and even Portland have gained some recognition for the northwest, Tacoma has remained overlook... Read More...
Moka Only's staggering rate of album releases continues with his latest Ron Contour project. "Saffron" is the third Ron Contour project released in the last 12... Read More...
Due to his high profile at the time, even the international mainstream media compliantly reported that the artist known as Puff Daddy officially 'changed' his n... Read More...
One of the marks of a true champion is his ability to handle pressure. Erick Sermon had a fair amount of pressure resting on his shoulders when it became clear ... Read More...