Ah, the many faces of LA hip hop. For a region pigeonholed by a genre that faded over a decade ago, Los Angeles retains quite a diversity of styles that have m... Read More...
It takes balls to open a rap record with a mostly sung remake of Flock of Seagull's "I Ran." Even when reworked into "Iran So Far Away," an ode to the immigran... Read More...
While a great deal of talented artists have yet to put out a complete collection of new material (as opposed to peacemeal mixtapes largely recycling popular be... Read More...
Though they're probably never be as famous as the other pair of light-skinned (hooray for racial grouping!) boys from Minneapolis, Big Quarters are none the les... Read More...
Delta's sophomore effort, "The Second Story," doesn't denounce the current sound of hip hop—it flat out disregards it. There's almost no evidence here that i... Read More...
Q: Who is John Robinson?
A: Formerly Lil Sci of Scienz of Life, former KMD and current DOOM collaborator; also, a rapper who has been around for a minute, with... Read More...