This is Bigg Jus's third album. Or rather, it's a variation of "Black Mamba Serums," which in turn was a variation of the EP "Plantation Rhymes." The first was... Read More...
I've been a reluctant admirer of Mr. Lif's for about eight years now. Largely due to a lack of vocal enthusiasm shown on "Enters the Colossus" almost a decade ... Read More...
Sona is a rapper/producer who is from two places not usually associated with hip hop: Cameroon, where he was born and raised, and Milwaukee, where he currently... Read More...
Most rappers use (abuse) skits to glorify how extravagant their lifestyle is and how successful they are at picking up dimepieces to fuck their brains out. On ... Read More...
Here are two things any American should know about Australian hip-hop: their beatmakers rival anything we've got going on in the States, and the MCs heavy Auss... Read More...
Hip-Hop as music and culture has since its inception constantly been in a state of flux. Someone had to decide that toasting over breaks was cool, but recordin... Read More...