Maryland MC TrueBless wins the award for least promising album cover of the year. From its groan-inducing title to the drawing of TrueBless wearing a cape, "Mi... Read More...
The concept of rap groups playing their own instruments has always been an appealing one. The idea directly conflicts with the negative pretenses many casual m... Read More...
The business world has the saying that you have to spend money to make money. Some rappers employ this basic rule of investment quite effectively. The idea is ... Read More...
It's very easy to get caught up in a nostalgic mindset and convince yourself that the music of yesteryear was VERY superior to anything released in the here an... Read More...
"It's easy to move muscle, bone, skin and sinewMovement of the mind is the type grind I'm intoSo I kick the mental, over sick instrumentalsGet respect with the... Read More...
The process of being made is usually the culmination of a successful criminal career. In Scarface's case, he hasn't been a criminal for the better part of two ... Read More...