Crossover hits are a pit and a pendulum representing peril for hip-hop producers. When you're on top the blade is held at bay and not allowed to sway and every... Read More...
"I came in the door, 1984Paint on the wall, got chased by the lawOnce got stole in the face for the flowWas never given the zone, had to create my ownAs clean ... Read More...
To clear things up off the bat, this is NOT an album by the old white English musician Chris Lowe of the Pet Shop Boys. If this disappoints anyone out there, I ... Read More...
The award for most transparent album name and CD packaging ever (narrowly beating out Tribe's "Beats, Rhymes and Life" and perhaps Ice-T's car, women and gun t... Read More...
I listen to a lot of underground hip hop, and I have a particular penchant for what I call "producer albums," records that take the art form back to when the D... Read More...
Telling the James Yancey story again would first require me to find the nearest brick wall and bash my head into it until I forgot I had told it in the first p... Read More...