"Memphis Underworld" is the title of a compilation of early Eightball & MJG material. It's a lead that would fit perfectly here, as much time as may have p... Read More...
Catchy hook, complex rhyme scheme, danceable beat, someone rhyming words over it in rhythm, DJ's screaming in the background; so many different quirks have aff... Read More...
Though most people probably didn't notice, 1996 brought us Sev Statik's debut in the form of a self-titled EP. Since then, he's been all over the scene with gro... Read More...
The Tranformers and Hip-Hop seem to go hand in hand. From scratches being named after the cartoon to the infinite number of times a rapper has claimed to "tran... Read More...
Nervous System is something quite different. As time passes on, rap, just like rock, has spread out into several sub-genres such as "R&B", "conscious rap",... Read More...
here's nothing like the cold comfort of a chilled, fizzing mug of your favorite beer. There's also nothing like lounging on your porch in 75 degree weather as ... Read More...