Even over a decade and a half later, the Beastie Boys are still inspring hip-hop artists. Who would have guessed that the Queen Bitch, La Bella Mafia herself L... Read More...
The name might make you think they're a joke, and at times even they seem not to take themselves too seriously. After all, the title of their last album was "W... Read More...
Montgomery, Alabama has come a long ways since the days of Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement. These days, it may be just as well known for the beats and... Read More...
Odds are if you've been whipping down the commercial roads of the East for a while now, you've travelled down Philadelphia's Freeway. His name is as synonymous... Read More...
Let's scroll down a couple of years to a time when scientists will finally be able to present a device that turns virtual reality into a complete, sensual and... Read More...
VITAL STATS -- Name: Jaeon. Education: Villanova University. Crew: Black Lung Brothers. Label: Secret Agent Records. Objective: Make everybody stand up and take... Read More...