Let's face it, not everything has been said in rap music yet. Topics remain to be touched upon, ways of expression are to be explored, philosophies need to be ... Read More...
There's a lot to be said for first impressions – they always seem to last. That's why authors strive for strong introductions to their novels, why James Bond ... Read More...
To those who aren't familiar with Eric 'Eazy-E' Wright, a late pass on his importance to hip-hop is in order. Here's a short list: he founded Ruthless Records,... Read More...
Whenever the rewind button is mentioned in hip-hop reviews, it's usually used as a synonym for "oh no he didn't"-type punchlines. A reviewer finds himself hitt... Read More...
Some may consider his name sacrilegious, when in fact it's only one generation removed from the truth. Micah LeVar Troy's FATHER holds the true title as a man ... Read More...
Who sells the most rap records in Detroit? I think it would be a safe bet to say Eminem, followed by a bunch of other national chart favorites. But since D-Tow... Read More...