This is supposed to be a precursor to something bigger, much like many non-retail releases of newly signed artists. In Stank's case, he has recently signed to V... Read More...
Non Phixion, more than any other Hip-Hop group, turned me into an underground Hip-Hop fanatic. For a young, white kid from the 'burbs - like myself - to hear r... Read More...
Sharing the same stomping grounds with turntablists Mr. Dibbs and DJ Skip, John Doe has come a long way in order to master his mixing talents and skills. As one... Read More...
I am not even going to discuss the "American Gangster" tie-in theme because so many people are exhausted with it and get right down to brass tacks as far as th... Read More...
There is a clear and vicious dichotomy in the rap game between those that rap about their own swagger and evoke imagery with negative connotations and the other... Read More...
I had a "told you so" moment after I picked up this triple disk set. My logical inner voice kept telling me not to purchase this mixtape. After all, I have onl... Read More...