This is not a hip-hop group from the Atlantic shores of the United States of America, from one of the original British colonies that later became states all th... Read More...
Hip-hop is ever-expanding, with an underground web that has reached nearly every corner of the nation, not to mention other countries. The land that birthed th... Read More...
Perplexed. That one word sums up this writer's feelings every time a new Three 6 Mafia album is released. It's when you're perplexed and unable think decisivel... Read More...
Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover. The cover art for "The Variety Pack" shows an animated condom box, the appropriate symbol for this one-track-minde... Read More...
It's only appropriate that E-40's heir-apparent would be named Turf Talk. After all, Earl Stevens has built his career on flipping his own brand of street ling... Read More...
The rap crew has been a staple in hip-hop from the start. Doug E. Fresh had the Get Fresh Crew, W.C. had the Maad Circle, and today it seems everyone, from vet... Read More...