The "Blade" movies have been the vehicle for Wesley Snipes to be a gothic comic book action hero, and admittedly this "daywalker" vampire cuts a cooler swath ac... Read More...
So why would the average rap consumer out there be interested in an album by an unknown rap group named Federation? The fact "Rick Rock Presents" them is a sel... Read More...
If you've been reading for more than a minute, you should already be familiar with the name Messy Marv from reviews like Matt Jost's "Bonnie &am... Read More...
You don't get an album to review these days without a press release full of information about and accolades for the artist or group in question. Gravel Records... Read More...
Since she spat fire on that long lost and tough as hell to find Junior Mafia album, the world waited patiently for the Queen to drop her 1996 solo effort. When... Read More...
Boricuas have had a big time impact on Hip-Hop, especially considering the relatively small number of Puerto-Rican artists that make it big. From Crazy Legs an... Read More...