What is “cool� Cool is indefinable because it’s always changing. Bell bottoms were once cool. Vanilla Ice at one point, in a very confused countr... Read More...
I wish everyone could make it, I really do. There are so many deserving artists that will never get the shine they strive for. This is simply because the rap i... Read More...
Hailing from Pitssburg, PA, The Foundation is a group of three rappers and one singer. The formula is an odd one, but works well as the female singer is confin... Read More...
This should be the beginning of a Back To The Lab review, but instead the release of "The Testament" in 2005 serves as a testament to Cormega's success and she... Read More...
Easily the most anticipated record of 2005 thus far, 50 Cent's "The Massacre" was so hot the record label couldn't even keep it under wraps until the originall... Read More...
Certain people throughout hip-hop history have embodied the qualities of the ultimate emcee perfectly. It takes a swaggering confidence, true lyrical skills, a... Read More...