As noted in my other excessively verbose Streets review this week, Mike Skinner is a uniquely peerless talent, capable of capturing (in lucid, gnarly detail, n... Read More...
Of all the success stories in an eventful 2004, perhaps none had as much of a profoundly polarizing effect as that of Mike Skinner's project The Streets. Revere... Read More...
They probably would have called it "The Best Damn Rap Show Period" if they didn't think News Corp. would sue their ass off (parent of all things Fox, including ... Read More...
At first glance you might think this group is just another bunch of mediocre rappers who try to imitate those who've had success with thug appeal in the past. ... Read More...
"Young I started, but I had a talent To get this crack cooked, cause I took it as a challenge So older niggaz gave me much as I can handle Copped the Eagle, st... Read More...
What would happen if you removed the mixing element from today's mixtapes? The sad truth is that nothing would happen as today's mixtape scene has already been ... Read More...