Appearances can be very deceiving. At first glance one would probably have low expectations of J-Gifted's "Da Pawn Shop." The cover art is simple, almost amate... Read More...
Some people still take Canadian hip-hop as a joke--- and some people still would still choose a typewriter and the Pony Express over computers and email. Point?... Read More...
After Jeru's stunning debut in 1994, he was primed for a big letdown. For many people, his sophomore effort, "Wrath of the Math," was lost in the shadow of "Th... Read More...
Actual and factual information for your eyeballs - the exact title of this album is "The Goodie Mob PRESENTS The Lumberjacks - Livin' Life as Lumberjacks." Eve... Read More...
My wife pointed out to me the other day that it's strange rap heads still call compilations of songs with scratching and blends "mixtapes" when most of them ar... Read More...
Canibus has been a hero to the hip-hop community ever since he was dejected from it. Unfortunately, his masochistic tendencies always seem to deter him from su... Read More...