After spending part of my much needed vacation having an ugly e-mail exchange with a white rapper who thinks he's hot shit when he's really NOT shit, I'm admit... Read More...
Of all the recent, surprise hip-hop hotspots (Florida, St. Louis, etc.) it's about time that the Twin Cities were added to that list. Minneapolis and St. Paul ... Read More...
Gospel rap is a much maligned sub-genre of rap music and rightfully so. The problem with Gospel rap is two-fold. The main issue that brings down the quality of... Read More...
"Quiker Said Than Done."
This statement uttered by Quik himself could describe so many aspects of his career.
Achieving commercial success - "Quiker Said Than D...
Rather than repeat my views on Gospel rap here, I recommend you first peep the review on Cross Movement's "Higher Definition" before you continue as Flame hail... Read More...