The very first time I heard the Mighty Mos Def was in January 1995, when Full Frequency Range Recordings put out a six-track promo EP for their Payday subsidiar... Read More...
Spice 1 and MC Eiht on the same CD?? It seems almost surreal: two of the West coast's most revered veterans pairing up on wax in the year 2004. My inner voice ... Read More...
Has the world gone crazy? You know the world is wildly out of order when the best golfer is Black, the tallest basketball player is Asian, and the biggest rapp... Read More...
Last year Ja Rule nearly made a career-ending mistake with his "Blood in My Eye" album. An ongoing feud with 50 Cent caused Ja to lash out both at him and anyb... Read More...
On the real, as much as a journalist endeavours to remove himself from the haze of bias that obscures critical objectivity, he inevitably faces the fact that i... Read More...
As a fertile breeding ground for creative, positive female talent, few locales boast as much of a pedigree as Ontario, Canada. From the breakthrough of trailbl... Read More...