Truth: "Flash makes incredibly bad jokes that no one else would get." Example: Every time I go on a trip with my wife and we have to go crash at the end of the... Read More...
I just barely remember "Look Ma Duke, No Hands" by Mad Kap. After seeing their album on a list and confirming it was not by the similarly named Madd Kapp, I sc... Read More...
In high school I took a copy of the self-titled debut album from Cypress Hill to my Spanish language teacher, put it in the tape player on his desk, and asked ... Read More...
"DIE BOUT IT" is the first official studio album from Atlanta rapper Lil Gnar since his debut, but he's already had a handful of mixtapes and EP releases along... Read More...
It was inevitable that I'd talk about "Nervous Breakdown." I'm almost contractually obligated to after reviewing the Fu-Schnickens' debut album "F.U. Don't Tak... Read More...
"They don't know the code -- I don't know these hoes."
The wisdom of BIGBABYGUCCI y'all, as presented for your perusal on ... Read More...