Dynamite Jive are pretty much one of a kind. In the annals of rap history, there have been very few guy-girl duos. Even less of this endangered species have wr... Read More...
9.23.04 Editor's note - Thank you to one and all who pointed out that from Nelly's perspective (seen through his own eyes) "Suit" would actually be his left, wh... Read More...
There's never been an album called "Based on a Total Fabrication" has there? Certainly not in hip-hop music at any rate. Rap artists are often just a littleĀ TO... Read More...
E-40's got one hell of a family thang going on. Like Nelly and the St. Lunatics, there was no way to keep the charismatic and hella fresh E-40 from not breaking... Read More...
Modern hip-hop music's influences, while frequently coming from within, are wide-ranging in scope. For different types of rap, the influences vary from funk to ... Read More...
When I first read that the people responsible for this album were part of London's hip-hop scene since 1997, I wondered how come I had never heard of them. Onl... Read More...