First cue up the funky, obscure piano sample, then the short, muted guitar strokes. Then cut that and layer the various-pitched voices, whispering "snake eyes.... Read More...
Mixtape DJ's have a lot of tasks to handle with their releases these days. The streets depend on big-name DJs such as Clue, KaySlay and Flex to supply them wit... Read More...
With the recent (supposed) departure of Jay-Z, Jadakiss is one of the most apparent heirs to the King of N.Y. throne. He's paid dues with Yonkers-bred trio The... Read More...
Hearing a fresh-voiced MC spit his rhymes with passion and hunger is always welcome this day in age. With the rap game currently at one of its highest peaks of... Read More...
The hip-hop music scene is often defined in paradoxically limiting ways. While the art of emceeing a.k.a. "rap" to the mainstream has always been predominant, t... Read More...
It's an unfair comparison, but it's inevitable. It's like seeing the five-tool centerfielder and calling him the next Mays or the next Mantle. But when you cre... Read More...