"My ideology's Islamicly based/with a trace of the thug life" aptly sums up the Middletown NY duo Al-Amin and Righteous Nova, collectively known as Lions of th... Read More...
Remember thick gold chains? Four finger rings? Rappers wearing togas? Okay, probably not the last part. But if you look at the cover of Sir Mix-A-Lot's 1989 al... Read More...
After ten years of appreciating the half-speed ska sound of rocksteady reggae, San Francisco resident Romanowski has decided it's time for the world to hear his... Read More...
If the path his career has taken was a road through the windy city of Chicago, one could definitely say it was twisted. One of the first rappers signed to Loud... Read More...
You know I never quite understood why the 'Midwest' had its name, given that as far as I can see, it's pretty much situated in the North-East of the continent.... Read More...
"We poets in our youth begin in gladness
But thereof comes in the end despondency and madness"
- William Wordsworth, "Resolution and Independence", 1807