"They call me Young Roscoe, the Philly fanaticSilly sporadic, dippin in traffic, grippin the 'maticSharp as a guillotine, still a teenThe California sun just b... Read More...
Da Brat-Tat-Tat-Tat. Rocking microphones since 1994, this gangstress of hip-hop has had a lot of obstacles to overcome. Due to her close association with Jerma... Read More...
This isn't exactly the easiest album to find. The only way this reviewer was able to get a copy was RapReviews mailbox. "Yo where's that Little Brother review?... Read More...
You can imagine him being asked about his legendary freestyle battles or his membership in one of hip-hop's most revered crews, and Craig G snapping impatientl... Read More...
When you're a reviewer that strives for a certain amount of objectivity instead of just going by your own preferences, you will sooner or later be thinking in ... Read More...
It will probably take the most hardcore RapReviews.com visitor to remember that this record has already been covered on this site, by this very reviewer at tha... Read More...