I-N-S the Rebel. Those words alone are enough to bring a smile to the heart of any tried and true, die-hard, down since 1993 fan of the Wu-Tang Clan. Listeners... Read More...
The first time I heard Miles' revisionist "Bitches Brew" my scalp twisted into a convertible. Miles flipped my wig with those compositions. The sound on that g... Read More...
My favorite Sopranos episode is from the first season, number 10 to be exact; entitled "A Hit is a Hit." Christopher Moltisanti and his girlfriend Adriana meet... Read More...
If you make yourself familiar with the first decade of recorded hip-hop music, you will notice an incredible variety of styles. Especially during the new schoo... Read More...
Through ten years of trial and error, he has propelled himself from a high school rap act to one of the biggest names in the Canadian rap scene. That's right, ... Read More...
Once upon a time, there were Planets. The Planets revolved around the nexus of Hip-Hop's solar system, but reflected just as much light from Hip-Hop as it rece... Read More...